CASE STUDY 10: Herb & Lou’s Cocktail Mixer Folding Carton Box

In 2015, Herb & Lou’s launched their very first line of products named Herb & Lou’s Infused Cubes – For A Brilliantly Crafted Cocktail. This is a spirit cubes product with various natural ingredients from some of the best sources in the world, formulated to a concert one shot of any spirit choice into a mixology-inspired cocktail in a blink of an eye. In this article, let’s check out the specialty of this folding carton packaging manufacturer. 

Client: Jansy Pkg

The idea began with two souls that loved to enjoy a party but didn’t like getting stuck mixing drinks all night. With their past travelling around the world for the military, they invented their own formulas and used them in their time. Decades later, their grandchildren found it in their safe box, brought it into life, then called it Infused Cubes. All of Herb & Lou’s flavours were created to complement your favourite spirit, but they may also be mixed with seltzers, teas, other beverages to make quality mocktails quickly and simply.

amazing folding carton packages

Starprint team has manufactured the folding carton packages for all Herb & Lou’s flavours with eye-catching colours. We also divided them into 6 square-shaped cutouts bringing the present received feeling to the recipients.

To produce these packages, we use the ivory paper material, which allows the carton to remain structurally strong while keeping the cubes safe. Additionally, we also use inserts to help secure the cubes inside the folding carton box, which can offer additional support needed to house 6 to 12 infused cubes at the same time.

folding cartons from Ivory paper with inserts

We have implemented the new technology in manufacturing the carton package from Ivory paper with primer coating that allows the packing of liquid products. The lid of the box comes with a magnet, making the storage of the contents inside be more efficient and convenient.

About the unique point of the package manufacturer:

Instead of using hot foil, Starprint has applied UV ink printing technology on metalized film and foil-simulated ink. This both shows the shiny effect and saves much more money than using full coverage hot foil like other normal technologies.

an extra layer of cellophane on the surface of products that consumers can see the contents inside

Another special thing about our Herb & Lou’s box is that we have an extra layer of cellophane on the surface of products in order to ensure the quality of the cubes as well as increase the aesthetics. With this layer, consumers can see the contents inside without having to take them out, avoiding damaging their quality.

In terms of graphics, Herb & Lou’s boxes are done through the use of five main colours, namely blue, green, orange, red, and brown. This colour scheme is good for a beverage brand because it can easily grab attention and create feelings of excitement as well as appetite. Clear text and graphics are put both outside and inside of Herb & Lou’s box. The coloured graphic printing ability of ivory folding cartons is unequalled by other types of packaging. That is the reason why the folding carton can be used as a significant marketing tool, especially for an infused cocktail cube brand like Herb & Lou’s.

5 main colours of H&L folding carton packaging including blue, green, orange, red, brown

Modern, trendy, and simple, Starprint is completely honoured to cooperate with Herb & Lou’s and helps them break free from the cycle by manufacturing creative, unique packaging. We are proud to have state-of-the-art equipment and machinery systems, as well as a skillful workforce that can fully satisfy the process’s rigorous quality, safety, hygiene for beverage criteria.


Size: L 165 mm x W 34 mm x H 226 mm

Paper: Ivory

Print: Offset Printing

Colour: CMYK, Pantone

Finishing Effects: Laminate Metalized, Primer Coating, Matt OPP Coating, Die-cutting

In particular, you can look over the packaging that we have made for other brands right here or reach out to us to have the most effective packaging solutions for your products.

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