Kinh Do Mondelez Mooncake Box has won PENTAWARD GOLD 2021

We are over the mooncakes today and so proud to share our Gold Award victory in the 2021 PENTAWARDS for our Kinh Do Mooncake limited edition.

Video Credit: holmes&marchant

KinhDo Mooncake Pentaward


Category: FOOD
Sub-Category: Limited editions
Brand: Kinh Do Mooncakes
Entrant: holmes&marchant
Country: Singapore
Creative Direction: Gökçe Şahbaz
Art Direction: Chu Dinh
Design: Stanley Chew, Fang Hui The
Strategy: Atima Sarda
Account Management: Saurabh Singh
Illustration: Tree Studios

luxury packaging pentaward

Kinh Do Trang Vang rigid boxes

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