Safety & Preventive Measures To Cope With Covid-19

As directed by the Prime Minister, as your safety and that of our employees are of utmost importance, Starprint Vietnam will apply safety and preventive measures to cope with Covid-19 as instructed by the Government. Therefore, from now, Starprint Vietnam encourages visitors, suppliers to follow these instructions when planning to visit us:

remote communication for covid 19 at starprint vietnam

Remote communication recomended during Covid-19 time

We recommend remote communication: 

  • Limit direct meeting and visit
  • Prioritize phone calls or online meetings

instructions to cope with covid-19 during visiting Starprint Vietnam

Please follow these instructions during visiting, working at Starprint Vietnam

In case you still have to visit Starprint Vietnam, please follow these instructions during visiting, working in the factory:

  • Wear mask during visiting
  • Distance at least 2m to each other
  • Sanitize your hands at the entrance
  • Check your temperature before entering
  • Declare health status: Scan the 𝐐𝐑 𝐂𝐨𝐝𝐞 below or access our website: Choose the red tab “Please Do Health Declaration” on the right corner.

Starprint Vietnam strictly follows the Ministry of Health’s 5K Message to safeguard everybody’s health. We greatly appreciate your understanding & cooperation to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic together!

Need more information? Contact us here or inbox Starprint Vietnam.

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