Understand RGB, CMYK & Lab Colour Modes in printing packaging paper

In the process of designing and printing packaging paper, the use of colour serves a crucial part in determining the quality of the publications. The following article depicts the difference between RGB, CMYK, and Lab colour modes. Once using the correct mode in design, it’s easy to get the brand’s message and tone across.

1. What is CMYK in printing packaging paper?

The CMYK comprises Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, and Key that can mix to create a wide range of hues. It works well for every type of printer in which each image is a layered-4-colour dots that produce various gradations. Besides, it’s considered as a standard model when generating an accurate range of colours, based on the printing conditions.

CMYK mode in printing packaging paper 1

Another interesting fact is that the K letter in this colour mode stands for the Key. That’s because it’s the key plate printing every detail of a printed image on a packaging paper. Also, Magenta, Cyan, and Yellow plates all get aligned with the Key plate.

2. What is RGB?

RGB colour mode gets availed in electronic devices. Meanwhile, CMYK gets favored in printing paper packaging. Once RGB gets changed into CMYK, colours can’t get expressed strongly. In many cases, designers do not feel satisfied with their printed packaging paper when they look different from the screen.

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To avoid this situation, printers recommend designers convert colours to CMYK for more accuracy on the screen. It’s best to maintain RGB for your digital designs, ranging from websites, social media to other online advertisements.

3. What is Lab* colour space?

Lab colour mode is a vital element in the whole colour reproduction, which plays an essential role in brand identity. We also call it CIELab based on our perfection of colour. The mode includes a channel for lightness (L) and two other ones for colour (A & B). The first one will go from 0 to 100 while the A (red & green) and B (yellow & blue) range from +127 to -128.

Lab colour mode In Printing packaging paper 3

The Lab space depends on three colour attributes, such as saturation, hue, and lightness. Among these, the hue is the colour that changes when you move around the Lab diagram. For saturation, it’s about how bright a colour is or how gray the colour is.

As you see, colour is not only a part of the printing process but also the whole process. And Starprint Vietnam is proud to be qualified as a G7 Master Printer, and our customers know that. They’re confident to gain consistent colour for all their printed packaging paper manufactured by us. Along with that, Starprint provides different types of finishing effects for paper packaging to wow customers. Click here to have a look at these eye-catching coatings, or contact us to have the most effective solutions for your packaging.

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